Featuring Charlie Kirk
Learn more1:00amMonday–Friday
Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee!
Learn more1:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Chuck Swindoll Click here to listen to today's Episode Click here to visit the website Since 1979, the Insight for Living radio broadcast, with its extensive national and international reach, has been the ministry’s major vehicle in teaching the truths of Scripture and for presenting a message of genuine hope and encouragement to a worldwide audience.
Learn more2:00amMonday–Friday
Destined for Victory is the broadcast ministry of Pastor Paul Sheppard.
Learn more2:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Jay Sekulow
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Jay Sekulow is widely regarded as one of the foremost free speech and religious liberties litigators in the United States, having argued 12 times before the U.S. Supreme Court in some of the most groundbreaking First Amendment cases of the past quarter century. As Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), he is a renowned constitutional attorney, an international expert on religious liberty, and an acclaimed and distinguished broadcaster. Jay Sekulow is a passionate advocate for protecting religious and constitutional freedoms with an impressive track record of success. His steadfast determination and commitment to protecting these freedoms is expansive with his work resulting in a lasting impact across America and around the world.
Since 1998 Focal Point has been delivering relevant and accurate Bible teaching on the radio, online, and in print. Focal Point’s primary medium is a daily radio broadcast on approximately 700 outlets across the United States and internationally on the web. Millions of people are reached through the broadcast and online.
Learn more3:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Greg Laurie Click here to listen to today's Episode! Click here to visit the Website HERE! Harvest: Greg Laurie is committed to "Knowing God and making him known." Outreach is a very large part of the realization of this vision. Pastor Greg Laurie's daily radio program A New Beginning, is broadcast on more than 800 radio outlets daily across the nation and internationally. Harvest Crusades, large-scale evangelistic outreaches, have been held throughout the US and in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia since 1990.
Learn more4:00amMonday–Friday
Featuring Robert Jeffress
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Dr. Robert Jeffress is Senior Pastor of the 13,000-member First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas and a Fox News Contributor. He is also an adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Featuring David Jeremiah
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Turning Point Ministries was founded in 1982 as the broadcast ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world. Three decades later, with a multimedia network featuring radio, television, and online programming, magazines, and books, Turning Point reaches tens of millions of people around the globe with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. With the potential reach of 480 million listeners, Dr. Jeremiah's radio messages air thousands of times each day, inspiring and equipping the body of Christ around the globe. And Momento Decisivo,the ministry's Spanish-language outreach, is aired more than 800 times a day on nearly 600 radio stations in every Spanish-speaking country in Central and South America. With its largest audience to date, Turning Point Television reaches a potential 2.7 billion households worldwide.
Featuring J. Vernon McGee Click here to listen to today's Episode! Click here to visit the website! He had already been teaching on the radio for many years, but fifty years ago—1967, to be exact—Dr. McGee began teaching the Bible studies that laid the foundation for what we hear today on Thru the Bible. What an adventure it’s been! If he only knew, I’m sure Dr. McGee would laugh and shake his head in wonder at what God has done. Let’s just think about it . . . in 1967, we never would have imagined . . .
Learn more5:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Rabbi Schneider Click here to listen to Today's Episode! Visit the website Here You have heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.” The greatest example of this truth is found in Father God not just telling us He loves us, but also demonstrating it by sending His Son Jesus to die in our place. Your decision to accept Jesus as your Savior is your first step in a wonderful journey that will ultimately lead you to eternal life with Him. If you have made a commitment today to receive your gift of salvation from your heavenly Father, please complete the form below so I can send you the 2 books shown.
Learn more6:00amMonday–Friday
Learn more6:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Alistair Begg
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Click here to visit the website
On February 27, 1995, Truth For Life began airing its 25-minute daily program on seven radio stations. Today, Truth For Life can now be heard in every major radio market across the U.S., and also in select Canadian markets, through 1,655 radio outlets.
Since 1998 Focal Point has been delivering relevant and accurate Bible teaching on the radio, online, and in print. Focal Point’s primary medium is a daily radio broadcast on approximately 700 outlets across the United States and internationally on the web. Millions of people are reached through the broadcast and online.
Learn more7:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Tony Evans
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The Urban Alternative (TUA) is a Christian broadcast and teaching ministry founded over thirty-five years ago by Dr. Tony Evans. At TUA, we seek to promote a kingdom agenda philosophy designed to enable people to live all of life underneath the comprehensive rule of God. This is accomplished through a variety of means, including media, resources, clergy ministries and community impact training.
Featuring Chuck Swindoll Click here to listen to today's Episode Click here to visit the website Since 1979, the Insight for Living radio broadcast, with its extensive national and international reach, has been the ministry’s major vehicle in teaching the truths of Scripture and for presenting a message of genuine hope and encouragement to a worldwide audience.
Learn more8:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Michael Youssef
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Click here to visit the website
Along with partners committed to changing the world, Dr. Michael Youssef is leading the way for people living in spiritual darkness to discover the light of Christ. By passionately proclaiming uncompromising Truth through creative methods, Leading The Way’sinternational team of experts is uniquely providing hope that is revolutionizing lives here at home and around the world.
Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee!
Learn more9:30amMonday–Friday
Learn more10:00amMonday–Friday
Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, trusted pastor, Erwin Lutzer takes you on a journey into the Word to help you make it across the finish line.
Learn more10:15amMonday–Friday
Featuring Victor Vigorito
Learn more10:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring David Jeremiah
Click here to listen to today's Episode
Click here to visit the website
Turning Point Ministries was founded in 1982 as the broadcast ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world. Three decades later, with a multimedia network featuring radio, television, and online programming, magazines, and books, Turning Point reaches tens of millions of people around the globe with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. With the potential reach of 480 million listeners, Dr. Jeremiah's radio messages air thousands of times each day, inspiring and equipping the body of Christ around the globe. And Momento Decisivo,the ministry's Spanish-language outreach, is aired more than 800 times a day on nearly 600 radio stations in every Spanish-speaking country in Central and South America. With its largest audience to date, Turning Point Television reaches a potential 2.7 billion households worldwide.
Featuring Greg Laurie Click here to listen to today's Episode! Click here to visit the Website HERE! Harvest: Greg Laurie is committed to "Knowing God and making him known." Outreach is a very large part of the realization of this vision. Pastor Greg Laurie's daily radio program A New Beginning, is broadcast on more than 800 radio outlets daily across the nation and internationally. Harvest Crusades, large-scale evangelistic outreaches, have been held throughout the US and in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia since 1990.
Learn more11:30amMonday–Friday
Featuring Charles Stanley Click here to listen To Today's Episode Click here to visit the website Charles F. Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author. While his teaching is transmitted throughout the world to millions of people, Dr. Stanley has been said to demonstrate a practical, keen awareness of people's needs and provide Christ-centered, biblically-based principles for everyday life.
Learn more12:00pmMonday–Friday
Destined for Victory is the broadcast ministry of Pastor Paul Sheppard.
Learn more12:30pmMonday–Friday
Featuring Robert Jeffress
Click here to listen to today's Episode
Click here to visit the website
Dr. Robert Jeffress is Senior Pastor of the 13,000-member First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas and a Fox News Contributor. He is also an adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Featuring Rabbi Schneider Click here to listen to Today's Episode! Visit the website Here You have heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.” The greatest example of this truth is found in Father God not just telling us He loves us, but also demonstrating it by sending His Son Jesus to die in our place. Your decision to accept Jesus as your Savior is your first step in a wonderful journey that will ultimately lead you to eternal life with Him. If you have made a commitment today to receive your gift of salvation from your heavenly Father, please complete the form below so I can send you the 2 books shown.
Learn more1:30pmMonday–Friday
Featuring Alistair Begg
Click here to listen to today's Episode
Click here to visit the website
On February 27, 1995, Truth For Life began airing its 25-minute daily program on seven radio stations. Today, Truth For Life can now be heard in every major radio market across the U.S., and also in select Canadian markets, through 1,655 radio outlets.
Featuring R C Sproul Click here to listen to today's Episode Click here to visit the weebsite Renewing Your Mind is an outreach of Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian discipleship organization founded in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul. We know that God uses his Word to change lives. In Romans 12:2, Paul tells Christians to "be transformed by the renewal of your mind." That is our aim.
Learn more2:30pmMonday–Friday
Join Lon Solomon on his weekday sermons into the Bible.
Learn more3:00pmMonday–Friday
Featuring Rob West Click Here To Listen To This Weeks Episode! Click Here To Visit Their Site.
Learn more4:00pmMonday–Friday
Featuring Jay Sekulow
Click here to listen to today's Episode
Click here to visit the website
Jay Sekulow is widely regarded as one of the foremost free speech and religious liberties litigators in the United States, having argued 12 times before the U.S. Supreme Court in some of the most groundbreaking First Amendment cases of the past quarter century. As Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), he is a renowned constitutional attorney, an international expert on religious liberty, and an acclaimed and distinguished broadcaster. Jay Sekulow is a passionate advocate for protecting religious and constitutional freedoms with an impressive track record of success. His steadfast determination and commitment to protecting these freedoms is expansive with his work resulting in a lasting impact across America and around the world.
Pastor Jack is well known for his passionate, verse-by-verse expositional Bible teaching.
Learn more5:30pmMonday–Friday
Through PowerPoint Ministries, Dr. Graham offers practical, biblical steps on how to tap into God’s power for successful Christian living.
Learn more6:00pmMonday–Friday
From His Heart Ministries is the multimedia broadcast ministry of Dr. Jeff Schreve.
Learn more6:30pmMonday–Friday
Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee!
Learn more7:00pmMonday–Friday
Learn more7:30pmMonday–Friday
Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, trusted pastor, Erwin Lutzer takes you on a journey into the Word to help you make it across the finish line.
Learn more8:00pmMonday–Friday
Featuring Michael Youssef
Click here to listen to today's Episode
Click here to visit the website
Along with partners committed to changing the world, Dr. Michael Youssef is leading the way for people living in spiritual darkness to discover the light of Christ. By passionately proclaiming uncompromising Truth through creative methods, Leading The Way’sinternational team of experts is uniquely providing hope that is revolutionizing lives here at home and around the world.
Featuring J. Vernon McGee Click here to listen to today's Episode! Click here to visit the website! He had already been teaching on the radio for many years, but fifty years ago—1967, to be exact—Dr. McGee began teaching the Bible studies that laid the foundation for what we hear today on Thru the Bible. What an adventure it’s been! If he only knew, I’m sure Dr. McGee would laugh and shake his head in wonder at what God has done. Let’s just think about it . . . in 1967, we never would have imagined . . .
Learn more9:00pmMonday–Friday
Featuring Chuck Swindoll Click here to listen to today's Episode Click here to visit the website Since 1979, the Insight for Living radio broadcast, with its extensive national and international reach, has been the ministry’s major vehicle in teaching the truths of Scripture and for presenting a message of genuine hope and encouragement to a worldwide audience.
Learn more9:30pmMonday–Friday
Featuring R C Sproul Click here to listen to today's Episode Click here to visit the weebsite Renewing Your Mind is an outreach of Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian discipleship organization founded in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul. We know that God uses his Word to change lives. In Romans 12:2, Paul tells Christians to "be transformed by the renewal of your mind." That is our aim.
Learn more10:00pmMonday–Friday
Love Worth Finding Ministries' mission since its launch in 1987 has been to bring people to Christ and mature them in their faith. Through the messages by pastor and Bible teacher, Adrian Rogers, LWF continues to proclaim the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Learn more10:30pmMonday–Friday
Featuring Greg Laurie Click here to listen to today's Episode! Click here to visit the Website HERE! Harvest: Greg Laurie is committed to "Knowing God and making him known." Outreach is a very large part of the realization of this vision. Pastor Greg Laurie's daily radio program A New Beginning, is broadcast on more than 800 radio outlets daily across the nation and internationally. Harvest Crusades, large-scale evangelistic outreaches, have been held throughout the US and in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia since 1990.
Learn more11:00pmMonday–Friday
Featuring June Hunt
Click here to listen to Today's Episode
Click here to visit the website
If you would like to talk with June on the air about a situation in your life, call 1-800-NIGHT-17 (1-800-644-4817).